Summer Harvests

I’ve had several in-person interactions with people lately that have really, really sucked. One of them involved one of my oldest friends, and we have parted ways. It was a long time coming – he never respected me, not since our days together in high school. For so many years he constantly criticized me –…

The Brag Garden

It’s taken me so long to put this post together – I have had a very shaky internet connection lately and the uploading took forever – but here it is at last – and while I was in the process, the garden has changed so much, from the straw-mulched infant garden stage to flourishing and…

2021 Spring Garden Tour

I know I have been very quiet here this spring. I didn’t mean to be. I would keep thinking of things I’d like to write down, but then I got so, so busy and picked up by the driving, whirling, greening spring – I couldn’t ever get around to sitting down and writing anything. So…

Thanksgiving 2020

It’s been a crazy year, but we still have so much to be thankful for! Ethan got so much work this year, and we are very, very thankful he was an essential worker, since he doesn’t qualify for unemployment. We had very healthy calves and goat kids born this year. The chickens made more of…

Lime Basil Pesto

I write here from the garden this evening – the sounds of the chorus of cicadas swell in the trees, and make the whole world alive with sound.  The sun is setting, still bright at the edges, with small clouds like little golden fairy castles floating above the pines. It isn’t quite gloaming yet, but…

A Garden Tour Spring 2020

Can I show you my garden?  This is, beyond a shadow, the most beautiful, flower-filled, viney, better-homes-and-gardens, fairy dust, glossy magazine centerfold, rockstar, dreamboat, fairest-of-them-all, wish-upon-a-star, garden of dreams garden than I’ve ever grown before…. I took first-planted pictures to include, so you can see how it has grown! Here it is now: These are…

The Storm

The whole world seems to be swallowed by a wild sea as i sit here in my kitchen,  listening to the wind of the storm crashing in the rocking trees, the leaves and branches rattling in the claps of ominiusly swirling hot wind, and then suddenly the quiet and the stillness. As the dark, eerie…

Roselle Honey BBQ Sauce

This is the season of dry, whirling wind, of butterflies and ragged grass, tall plumes of dog fennel, yellow flowers, and change. Lime rock dust hangs over the country roads like fog, and in the quiet nights the almost cool wind stirs the mixing bowl clouds around the hesitating moon. In the hot afternoons, the…

A Parting

A quick walk through the garden this morning….  This was my most beautiful summer garden, full to the brim with flowers and herbs, rambling vines, beautiful fruits, sweet corn and sorghum, sweet potatoes and cassava.  It is at the turning point, when the sunflowers have started to shrivel up and it becomes jungly. In this…

Return Of The Light Grain-free Lemon Cake

It’s been unusually cold lately, cold enough to snow although we weren’t so lucky.   Hard frosts for several days in a row left  everything sparkling with minute crystals in the early mornings,  the ground hard frozen, and we marveled at the layers of ice on the water troughs that had to be broken through.  The…

Hurricane Days

        This season always brings uncertainty and shifts in weather,  and with that,  the hurricanes.  Here in the North and the middle of the peninsula, we are usually sheltered from the worst of the winds that devastate the coasts.  The last really intense hurricane season I’ve experienced was the fall and late…