A Counter Garden: Adventures With Sprouting

It was so hot and tropical this fall. Finally, the day after Halloween,  the cool weather came,  blowing away the heavy,  damp heat. The light is different now,  beaming in long, honey-colored rays through the afternoon trees.  The last yellow cherry leaves are wavering at the tips of tiny branches where little birds flutter and…

The Best Pumpkin Dish Ever

It’s amazing what comes from one tiny seed, one small spark of life given at the end of the season, a hope for the next one, waiting in darkness until the light and rain call forth the potential.  And the patience of those seeds that wait for years, maybe centuries, for that moment to unfurl. …

Spinach Pesto Pizza

Last week was all rain, and all kinds of rain. There was the gray, dripping rain that blanketed everything in damp and made interesting kinds of mold sprout under the shelves in the kitchen from the ambient humidity.  There was rain that came down in silver sheets, moving towards you like a fog and obscuring…

Walmart Dream Bread

I had been traveling through several different worlds, though somehow this did not seem surprising at all, when i found myself suddenly in Walmart. It was one of the dingy aisles in the back of the store, overstuffed with the same crappy merchandise over and over to give the illusion of abundance and consumer choice. …

Pink Sauerkraut

The winter garden is fading fast.  The onions,  once growing in neat rows, must be hunted for among the ragweed and evening primrose.  The lettuce has become tall spires of bright yellow flowers,  and the Brussels sprouts have been harvested all the way up the stalks. The cabbages this year have begun to split open…

Fruit,  Nut, and Chocolate Easter Nibbles

I didn’t mean to skip this past week’s blog post,  but the weather has been so wonderful,  and we have been so busy in the kitchen,  in the garden,  wandering the beautiful pastures,  and celebrating spring that the days slipped by, days full of fun, sun,  work, and beauty. The natural dyes turned out very…

Pumpkin and Broccoli Casserole

The dreamy blue-skied spring weather,  so warm it is almost hot, has called forth the flowers of all kinds.  There is a narrow definition of flower in our minds,  the colorful,  the beautiful,  the many-petaled ones,  but there are so many more, such as the scaly dimorphous cone flowers of the pines, or the catkins…

Wild Chickweed Salad with Ranch-Style Dressing

All around the earth is greening. The forest looks lacy with new leaves,  and the pastures have begun to grow.  Not only have the summer grasses thrown off their winter sleep and have started to poke up their heads and send out new shoots, all the pretty weeds of spring decorate the ground between the…

Roasted Radishes, 3 Different Ways

I guess it’s cold when you turn the tap on in the morning,  and you get a cup of ice, and that’s only after it’s had some time to thaw.   In some ways it’s hardship out here in the cold, but at the same time i feel much stronger and healthier than when we lived…

Radish Salad With Roselle Dressing

 Radishes are one of my favorite things to grow,  although they weren’t always.  They are very easy and reliable,  some years the only vegetable we could manage to grow in the early years of gardening,  before we had cows and goats to enrich the land.  I’ve pickled them, served them with butter,  chopped the roots up for salad, …

Callaloo Curry With Flatbread

The cold weather is here at last! Sweet-smelling woolens have been taken out of the cedar chest to air in the beautiful dry air, and we are enjoying the last of the summer garden’s offerings…. spinach-like amaranth greens. Amaranth is really more of a weed than a garden plant; indeed,  the spiny, weedy amaranth torments…

Dried And Frozen Persimmon Treats

Glowing orange and as sweet as candy, the cultivated persimmons are ripe and abundant right now.  They are one of the delicious treats early fall has to offer, along with sweet potatoes, roselle, and pumpkins. These cultivated persimmons seem huge and mild compared to the wild persimmons we have already enjoyed. This was the first year we…