I am so, so excited to share this! I have been working so hard to bring this to a physical form – it has felt like a real birth experience, where the laboring is harder than you realized, and you aren’t sure if you’ll make it! This is the book I have dreamed about and…

It Begins With A Seed…

I keep reminding myself…. It all starts with a tiny seed. The hopes and dreams of the future begin so small and insignificant, and you can never be sure if they have the spark of life until you plant them and they begin to grow. If carefully tended to, they will take on a will…

Summer Harvests

I’ve had several in-person interactions with people lately that have really, really sucked. One of them involved one of my oldest friends, and we have parted ways. It was a long time coming – he never respected me, not since our days together in high school. For so many years he constantly criticized me –…

The Brag Garden

It’s taken me so long to put this post together – I have had a very shaky internet connection lately and the uploading took forever – but here it is at last – and while I was in the process, the garden has changed so much, from the straw-mulched infant garden stage to flourishing and…

2021 Spring Garden Tour

I know I have been very quiet here this spring. I didn’t mean to be. I would keep thinking of things I’d like to write down, but then I got so, so busy and picked up by the driving, whirling, greening spring – I couldn’t ever get around to sitting down and writing anything. So…

Tangy Radish Salad

I feel like I slept a long time under the winter darkness.  Even in the bell-cold mornings under the blustery sky, and working beside the smoky hearth. While I walked I still slept in the quiet.  Slowly – it happened as the days uncounted, stretched beyond the threshold. First things reached out to me through…

Rice and Pigeon Peas

The hardest freeze in two or three years came through last week, wilting the whole garden. The weedy sweet potatoes, the remains of the roselle, and the tall pigeon peas were dark and limp when I woke up on that cold, cold morning. The whole orchard and all the pastures were white. The rest of…

Travel Journal 6: Monticello

The drive through Virginia from Fairy Stone State Park to Big Meadows was lovely. I really like Virginia. The scenery is so very pretty and pastoral. There were so many little farms and fields we passed along the country roads. For years now, whenever I saw an interesting historical seed variety grown by Thomas Jefferson,…

Lime Basil Pesto

I write here from the garden this evening – the sounds of the chorus of cicadas swell in the trees, and make the whole world alive with sound.  The sun is setting, still bright at the edges, with small clouds like little golden fairy castles floating above the pines. It isn’t quite gloaming yet, but…

A Garden Tour Spring 2020

Can I show you my garden?  This is, beyond a shadow, the most beautiful, flower-filled, viney, better-homes-and-gardens, fairy dust, glossy magazine centerfold, rockstar, dreamboat, fairest-of-them-all, wish-upon-a-star, garden of dreams garden than I’ve ever grown before…. I took first-planted pictures to include, so you can see how it has grown! Here it is now: These are…

The Odd Bits: Crispy Chicken Feet

These past few weeks have been so perfectly beautiful – clear as a bell and full to the brim with flowers and the unfolding of fresh green leaves, ready to meet the sunshine.  The mornings have been dew-strung and misty,  illuminating the careful lacy weavings of the spiders in the golden light, and at night…

A Counter Garden: Adventures With Sprouting

It was so hot and tropical this fall. Finally, the day after Halloween,  the cool weather came,  blowing away the heavy,  damp heat. The light is different now,  beaming in long, honey-colored rays through the afternoon trees.  The last yellow cherry leaves are wavering at the tips of tiny branches where little birds flutter and…