Yarn along: Almost Sleeves

 200 lbs of rye hand-seeded.  I finished with the whole first grazing line last night before it got too dark.  It was really pretty wandering the pastures with the almost-full moon rising. 
 I was just reading recently in Rudolf Steiner’s book, How to Know Higher Worlds that watching the sunrise gives you the emotional impressions of birth, but watching the moon rise will make you feel it to be associated with death.  It just doesn’t do that for me at all.  Especially if the moon rises in the daytime – which no one thinks about usually.  The moon seems to be culturally embedded in nighttime, for some reason.  I think I was in 7th grade when I realized one day that the moon was rising and it was 2pm.  When I see the moon rising, especially if I am tossing handful after handful of rye seeds as far as they will go across the earth, I feel like there should be a celebration of some sort that evening.  I think of fertility and dream of lush, green rye pastures.
I am still working on Mirin’s cabled vest.  It’s been very busy around here, so I haven’t had much time to work on it.  Last week I got excited and started to cast off for the sleeves, but then I measured it again and decided to add another inch.  I’d rather error on too long than too short.  I’d like to not be knitting another one next fall, too.  I like the cable pattern, but there are other projects my hands are itching to work on, and this is going very slowly.
We are just finishing up Alice Through the Looking-glass for our evening reading.  We first read Alice in Wonderland.  I’d forgotten how much I enjoy these stories.  They are so funny and there are so many amusing puns.  We have the annotated version, so it is easier to understand some of the more Victorian jokes.

20 Comments Add yours

  1. Your knitting is stunning Angie, I love the cables. You are very wise to knit the sleeves a little longer, it's easier to push up than tug down. 🙂
    I haven't read Alice in Wonderland in years, I need to pull it from the shelf.


  2. Beautiful words! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    I love that pattern- cables are so soothing to knit. I adore!


  3. Donna says:

    The cables and the colors – I just love them both! And I agree – while I love to see the sun rise and could associate it with birth, the sun setting and the moon rising doesn't bring the idea of death to me at all.


  4. The cables are just beautiful….and that green! It is going to be just beautiful!


  5. Cables are some of my favorite things to knit. I like your choice.

    Also, I'm curious about your method for hand seeding. We are small time, hobby farmers (emphasis on hobby, it's a good thing we don't have to survive on what we raise), and we'd like to improve our skills, but we also don't have the money or storage for a lot of the bigger tools and machinery.


  6. Lea Lacoste says:

    lovely words about the moon, I quite agree with you, it's all about femininity and motherhood for me looking at it.
    ALice's in wonderland was one of my favorite childhood story, i have like four different editions of it in my bedroom ^^


  7. Jayne Marti says:

    Beautiful. I am a big fan of cables as well. And Lewis Carroll – his writing is just so clever.


  8. Beautiful cables, they look very neat. Love the colour of the yarn you're using too


  9. I love the cables in your picture (though I admit I'm not such a bit fan of making them myself!).


  10. Angie says:

    Same here! We are very low-tech (we have a wheelbarrow!). Our neighbor has seeding equipment/tractor, but he is expensive to hire. We are still learning from heart-breaking failures. I've spent the past four years trying to troubleshoot having beautiful, lush rye pastures in January, motivated by the price of hay. If you stay tuned, I was actually planning a post about the whole process and different things we've tried. It's just too long for a comment!


  11. Angie says:

    Thanks! The wool is Cascade Eco+ in “Irelande.” I couldn't resist.


  12. Angie says:

    Yeah! I wonder where he got that idea, anyway? Maybe it's a guy thing…..


  13. Angie says:

    It is! He makes jokes on so many levels, too. I love the complexity of it.


  14. Angie says:

    Me too! I memorized several poems out of Alice when I was a kid, just for fun. My favorites were always “How Doth the Little Crocodile”, and “You are Old Father William”.


  15. Angie says:

    Thanks! Being a ginger, green is one of my favorites…


  16. Angie says:

    Thanks! A book called Cables Untangled helped me to figure cabling out better. It's definitely not a mindless knit, but it makes it interesting.


  17. Angie says:

    I'm glad you enjoyed reading! I agree about the cables – they have a wonderful rhythm to them.


  18. CathieJ says:

    Your knitting is beautiful. I love the color of that yarn. I love being outside with a bright moon. I always find that time of day/night uplifting.


  19. Visiting from Ginny's blog. Green cables…love, love, love! Yours are beautiful! 🙂


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