Spring Violet Soda

Here is my little goat named Violet – an overly-tame bottle baby that we had kept too long in the kitchen while it was very cold weather. Her mother is a young yearling goat, and didn’t know what to do with her baby. At first Violet slept in a little bin by the wood stove,…

Loquat and Mulberry Cobbler (grain-free; Paleo)

 We stopped in at my mom’s house in town to pick mulberries from the ancient mulberry tree in her front yard.  The tree is huge and covered with berries, but the birds have begun to eat the ripe ones already and we mostly found berries which had just recently fallen.  My mom tempted the girls…

Wild Muscadine Meringue Pie

Suddenly everything seems to have changed.  New flowers are blooming bright yellow in the weedy ways, Bidens and Sida, partridge pea and golden rod.   Ripe poke and beauty berries bend the slender branches waiting for the birds.   The golden and gossamer webs of the orb weavers stretch high up between the trees, and the weavers…

Spiderwort Soda, A Magical Elixir

I have always been enchanted with the herb Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohioensis I think is the Latin).  The thin, succulent leaves,  like grass leaves,  poke out at a pixie-like angle,  and the luminous blue three-petaled flowers, each petal delicate like a fairy’s wing, whose color delights the eye and changes even as you stare, shifting between blue…

CHANTERELLES: A French Recipe For Wild-harvested Mushrooms

  The goats have been escaping.  They are penned in with electric netting in an area of about five woodland acres, loaded with new, brushy growth and grape vines.  It should be goat heaven, but they can’t stand to stay in for more than a few hours.  I am going in, walking the fences to…